Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) can improve yur weight loss results!

  EFA Deificiency can cause serious health problems. Because your cells need Essential Fatty Acids to perfor m basic biochemical tasks, it's not surprising that a deficiency in EFAs can cause serius problems. EFA deficiency has been associated with dry scally skin, coarse and sparse hair, rheumtoid disorders, cardiovascular disease and even brain dysfunction.

   On the other hand, when your body has the right amount of EfAs and when the vaious compounds are in the right porportion cells function properly.  In addition, they burn calories at a higher rate, which improves weight loss results.

   Your body cannot porduce EFAs, so it is necessary to include them in your diet. This is even more important for weight loss patients, who run a greater risk of deficiency.

  Nature's EFA  contains a compolete, balanced formula.  Nature's EFA was created to address the needs of people on low calorie diets. Nutritionist used as a guide the conclusions of countless studies that point to just how essential EFAs are.

 There are two main types of EFAs, known as the omega-3 and the omega-6 fatty acids. Studies show that dieters are often deficient in both types--- byt esoecuakkt inega-3.

Nutritionists created a formula that includes both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, in proportions that the studies show to be most bio-identical.

Calories burn faster with Nature's EFA. Scientists call it thermogenesis, but most peole use the term "burning calories."  Your cells burn calories in order to provide energy to perform their function. EFAs have been shown to increase thermogenesis. In addition, they increase the ability of your liver to burn fats. One study showed the GLA- a component of Nature's EFA- actually caused weight loss and lower blood pressure in overweight patients.

Even if you're not on a weight loss program, you'll benefit from Nature's EFA. As the name implies they are an essential part of any diet. you'll avoid the healthy problems that come with a deficiency of EFAs, and you'll get all the benefits from having the right amount, including better insulin function, improved skin tone, and increased stamina.

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